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Web-specific functions

Get URL parameters

You can get URL parameters in the form of HashTable<String, String> .

// If the page is opened with the URL ``...
auto params = Platform::Web::System::GetURLParameters();

if (auto it = params.find(U"launched_via"); it != params.end())
Console << U"You launched this app via: {}"_fmt(it->second);

web notifications

  AsyncTask<bool> requestResult;
  if (Platform::Web::Notification::IsAvailable())
    requestResult = Platform::Web::Notification::RequestPermission();

  while (System::Update())
    if (requestResult.isReady() and requestResult.get())
      ToastNotificationItem item {
        .title = U"Siv3D for Web",
        .message = U"Hello, Siv3D!"


Download files from virtual file system"a.png");

// Download the 'a.png' file in the virtual filesystem with the name 'a.png'.

Download additional assets from the server

  // additionally download 'windmill.png' from the server'

Functions that can use AsyncTask

Some features, such as AudioDecoding and Clipboard, can block the main loop for a few seconds. You can prevent the main loop from blocking by using a platform-specific function that returns an AsyncTask .

Wait for AsyncTask

// writing that may block for a few seconds
// Audio audio { U"/example/test.mp3" };
Audio audio;
AsyncTask<Wave> audioTask = s3d::Platform::Web::AudioDecoder::DecodeFromFile(U"/example/test.mp3");

// synchronously wait until the audioTask is ready
if (auto resolvedAudio = s3d::Platform::Web::System::WaitForFutureResolved(audioTask))
audio = *resolvedAudio;

Decoding audio files

s3d::Platform::Web::AudioDecoder::DecodeAudioFromFile returns AsyncTask<Wave> .

// Writing that may block for a few seconds
// Audio audio { U"/example/test.mp3" };
Audio audio;
AsyncTask<Wave> audioTask = s3d::Platform::Web::AudioDecoder::DecodeFromFile(U"/example/test.mp3");

// check if decoding is finished
if (audioTask.isReady())
audio = Audio{ audioTask.get() };

File open dialog

s3d::Platforms::Web::Dialog::Open** returns AsyncTask<**> .

// Writing that may block for a few seconds
// Audio audio = Dialog::OpenAudio();
Audio audio;
AsyncTask<Audio> audioTask = s3d::Platforms::Web::Dialog::OpenAudio();

// user selects file, check if decoding finished
if (audioTask.isReady())
audio = audioTask.get();


Only text copy and paste is supported. (And in FireFox this feature is disabled.)

s3d::Platforms::Web::Clipboard::GetText returns AsyncTask<String> . ( s3d::Clipboard::SetText can be used normally.)

// writing that may block for a few seconds
// String text;
// if (Clibboard::GetText(text))
// {
// }
AsyncTask<String> textTask;
String text;

textTask = Platforms::Web::Clipboard::GetText();

// ask if the text was pasted
if (textTask.isReady())
text = textTask.get();